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Good news everyone!
I bumped SockJS-protocol to 0.3.3. SockJS-node and SockJS-erlang were updated as well.
SockJS-client is not updated on this release.
There is only one significant change in the server code - workaround for iOS6 POST caching "feature".
The protocol change is pretty straightforward - we now need to send proper no-cache headers for all the POST urls. Protocol change: https://github.com/sockjs/sockjs-protocol/commit/3630b4c199ab2e8738f978ac2004b3d8bb6c3c29
Relevant discussions: https://github.com/sockjs/sockjs-protocol/issues/56 https://github.com/sockjs/sockjs-node/pull/88
Thanks to David Glasser from Meteor for proposing a fix.
Cheers, Marek
看 Github 上的源代码说的是提供了一个模仿 websocket 的 Object, 然后还提供了多种语言, ruby, python, lua, python 等绑定… https://github.com/sockjs/sockjs-client
好奇一下, 这样的话这个适合用来干嘛?