早上上推被 @NodeSubmit 刷屏了..
发布于 2年前 作者 jiyinyiyong 1077 次浏览

早上起来发现推上被刷屏了, 一看发现又在开会… http://nodesummit.com/

Node Summit, in partnership with Joyent and Icon Venture Partners, is producing a three hour track on Node.js as the new runtime for the tsunami of user and machine-generated data.

#NodeSubmit 关键词摘了不少语录… 围观: https://twitter.com/i/#!/search/realtime/%23nodesummit https://twitter.com/NodeSummit

2 回复

好东西,果断关注NodeSubmit 我也推荐一个:https://twitter.com/NodeJsCommunity 每次发的东西都还不错!

内容相对有点深的样子, 关注了.
