Practical Node.js - Building Real-World Scalable Web Apps
Table of contents
- Setting up Node.js and Other Essentials
- Using Express.js to Create Node.js Web Apps
- TDD and BDD for Node.js with Mocha
- Template Engines: Pug and Handlebars
- Persistence with MongoDB and Mongoskin
- Security and Auth in Node.js
- Boosting Node.js and MongoDB with Mongoose
- Building Node.js REST API Servers with Express.js and Hapi
- Real-Time Apps with WebSocket, Socket.IO, and DerbyJS
- Getting Node.js Apps Production Ready
- Deploying Node.js Apps
- Modularizing Your Code and Publishing Node.js Modules to npm
- Node HTTP/2 Servers
- Asynchronous Code in Node
- Node Microservices with Docker and AWS ECS
- Serverless Node with AWS Lambda
- Conclusion
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