亲爱的小伙伴们,偶公司招人哦, 开发、测试、用户体验设计师、翻译、技术支持、敏捷专家、顾问各个种类、不同级别的职位都有哦。杭州是中国总部,也是开发中心,上海是销售处。 走过路过,不要错过。我会为你倾情内推的。请拉到底部点击链接查看职位详情。 简历请砸到以下邮箱:(中英文简历,注明想要的职位,不明的也可以发邮件咨询我) [email protected]
**关于微策略MicroStrategy: ** 微策略MicroStrategy是全球领先的专注于提供商务智能软件产品和相关服务的上市公司(NASDAQ:MSTR)。 www.microstrategy.com MicroStrategy目前拥有超过2000名员工,分布在全球20多个不同的国家和地区。公司总部设立在美国首都华盛顿附近;2007年8月在杭州成立中国技术中心,目前拥有员工近300人 。
**员工亲体验: ** 美资外企, 上班不打卡,弹性工作制。工作轻松福利优渥。 work life balance, 工作氛围好,环境佳,每天研磨咖啡,新鲜水果,私教上门授课那是标配! 爱生活,爱技术,更有去美国或者波兰工作交流的机会,还等什么呢,赶紧上车呀!
贴一些公司剪影大家欣赏下哦 ^O^
微策略荣获2017年度中国非常雇主TOP 100,get “小金人”:
招聘岗位 : ***杭州职位: (高级)软件工程师-- Web, Java, C++, iOS (高级)软件测试工程师 用户体验设计师 开发运作软件工程师 技术支持工程师 敏捷专家 翻译(简体中文) 翻译(繁体中文)
***上海职位: 高级顾问 顾问
职位简介: ***Hangzhou Position
(Senior) Software Engineer – Web, Java, C++, iOS https://jobs.smartrecruiters.com/ni/MicroStrategy1/c0c8f26b-94e1-47c0-8a2b-73e9a5b1676f–senior-software-engineer-web-java-c-ios?internal=true
(Senior) Software Engineer in Test https://jobs.smartrecruiters.com/ni/MicroStrategy1/88ba35b4-1ebe-4a97-829f-9f13deef1248–senior-software-engineer-in-test?internal=true
User Experience Designer https://jobs.smartrecruiters.com/ni/MicroStrategy1/548be8cd-3733-46a8-97ea-1fff93056a68-user-experience-designer?internal=true
Software Engineer in Development Operations https://jobs.smartrecruiters.com/ni/MicroStrategy1/3dd0e384-14ec-4509-a6ba-4ef241eb5a92-software-engineer-in-development-operations?internal=true
Support Engineer https://jobs.smartrecruiters.com/ni/MicroStrategy1/914027d3-a8a4-4cd8-9dec-4ac22ee3db7b-support-engineer?internal=true
Scrum Master https://jobs.smartrecruiters.com/MicroStrategy1/743999669491084-scrum-master
Translator/Linguist(Simplified Chinese) https://jobs.smartrecruiters.com/MicroStrategy1/743999666400465-language-translator-linguist-simplified-chinese-
Translator/Linguist(Traditional Chinese) https://jobs.smartrecruiters.com/MicroStrategy1/743999666400533-language-translator-linguist-traditional-chinese-
**Shanghai Positions: ** Senior Consultant (Shanghai Based) https://jobs.smartrecruiters.com/ni/MicroStrategy1/27d5fd27-3ea5-4893-bf6b-91ac84a0e0f0-senior-consultant?internal=true Consultant (Shanghai Based) https://jobs.smartrecruiters.com/ni/MicroStrategy1/0d3cea7c-7cc2-4006-861c-390d08c9a89f-consultant?internal=true
******技术支持工程师 要求: 有 TechSupport 相关工作经验,英语流利,良好的沟通和分析能力。
坐标杭州, 了解一下?
走过路过,不要错过。我会为你倾情内推的。请拉到底部点击链接查看职位详情。 简历请砸到以下邮箱:(中英文简历,注明想要的职位,不明的也可以发邮件咨询我) [email protected]
开发、测试、用户体验设计师、翻译、技术支持、敏捷专家、顾问各个种类, 总有一款适合您。
Tech Support 达人们, 请看过来,来信必复哦。
招聘职位: (Senior) Software Engineer - iOS
职位描述: · Build robust, efficient, maintainable, high-performance software. · Develop product features through their entire lifecycle: requirements analysis, design, implementation, unit testing, optimization, maintenance and enhancement. · Work with Product Owners and UX engineers to analyze, evaluate and refine feature specifications. · Work with other SEs in product team to deliver valuable features in fast iterations. · Be responsible for certain part of MSTR product, to maintain its quality, integrity, efficiency, and reusability. · Coordinate with quality engineers to share design information and provide testing suggestions. · Create prototypes and experiment with new technologies to resolve technical risk and provide guidance for production development. · Evaluate and assimilate new technologies and processes with MSTR development platform and process. · Share knowledge and support fellow team members in an open, collaborative atmosphere
岗位要求: · Have 1 year + mobile app development experiences on iOS platform. · Have a deep understanding of iOS system. · Strong object-oriented design and development skills, familiar with popular design patterns. · Fluency in Objective-C/Swift. · Have experience on UIKit/Network/MultiThread/CoreData/Push Notification · Bachelor’s Degree or above in Computer Science, Software Engineering, or related field. · Strong analytical and problem-solving skills. · Solid foundation in computer science fundamentals, including data structures, algorithms and time/space analysis. · Good communication skills in English and the ability to work as part of a team
招聘职位: (Senior) Software Engineer - Java
职位描述: Build Java-centric apps, RESTful APIs and microservices for MSTR platform and customer development. Design for quality, robustness, and performance, with common principles, patterns, and best practices. Attend weekly/ad hoc learning and knowledge sharing programs. Create prototypes and experiment latest technologies for next generation product backends. Continuously imporve software development, building, testing and deployment processes. Work with product owners, product managers, UX, and customer representatives to analyze and refine feature specifications. Cooperate with UX & UED to match visual design intent. Collaborate with and support other engineers within the team and from other teams in China, US and Poland.
岗位要求: Bachelor’s Degree or higher, in Computer Science, Software Engineering or related field. Proven working experience in Java and web programming. Solid understanding of object-oriented design principles and patterns. Functional programming knowledge is a plus. Solid understanding of web and internet architectures. REST and microservices practices are highly preferred. Familiar with servlet technologies and at least one Java app containers, like Jetty, Tomcat, etc. Familiar with at least one Java frameworks like Jersey, Spring, etc. Web frontend skills are a big plus. Good communication skills in English and the ability to work as part of a team.
招聘职位:(Senior) Software Engineer - C++
职位描述: · Develop product features through their entire lifecycle: requirements analysis, design, implementation, unit testing, optimization, maintenance and enhancement. · Work with Product Owners to analyze, evaluate and refine feature specifications. · Work with other SEs in product team to deliver valuable features in fast iterations. · Be responsible for certain part of MSTR product, to maintain its quality, integrity, efficiency, and reusability. · Coordinate with quality engineers to share design information and provide testing suggestions. · Create prototypes and experiment with new technologies to resolve technical risk and provide guidance for production development. · Evaluate and assimilate new technologies and processes with MSTR development platform and process. · Share knowledge and support fellow team members in an open, collaborative atmosphere.
岗位要求: · Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree, or Ph.D. in Computer Science, Software Engineering, or related field. · Strong analytical and problem-solving skills. · Solid foundation in computer science fundamentals, including data structures, algorithms and time/space analysis. · Strong object-oriented design and development skills. Fluency in C++ is highly desirable (if you are Hadoop expert then C++ is not a must have). · Good communication skills in English and the ability to work as part of a team. One or more of the following is a plus: · Multithreaded/concurrent programming experience. · UNIX/Linux platform experience. · RDBMS, Hadoop, HBase, HDFS, MapReduce, MPP technologies
招聘职位:(Senior) Software Engineer - Web
职位描述: • Build sharp, responsive, client-centric web interfaces for data exploration and analysis with Java, HTML, CSS and JavaScript, and integrate data from various back-end services. • Work with Product Owners to analyze, evaluate and refine feature specifications. • Work with other SEs in product team to deliver valuable features in fast iterations. • Cooperate with UX & UED to match visual design intent. • Be responsible for certain part of MSTR product, to maintain its quality, integrity, efficiency, and reusability. • Coordinate with quality engineers to share design information and provide testing suggestions. • Create prototypes and experiment with new technologies to resolve technical risk and provide guidance for production development. • Evaluate and assimilate new technologies and processes with MSTR development platform and process. • Share knowledge and support fellow team members in an open, collaborative atmosphere.
岗位要求: • Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree, or Ph.D. in Computer Science, Software Engineering, or related field. • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills. • Proven working experience in web programming. • A solid understanding of how web applications work including security, cross-browser compatibility, session management, and best development practices • Adequate knowledge of JavaScript, HTML, HTML5, CSS, CSS3, Java. • Familiar with at least one JavaScript framework such as JQuery, ExtJS and at least one JavaWeb framework such as Struts, Spring. • Good communication skills in English and the ability to work as part of a team.
Support Engineer https://jobs.smartrecruiters.com/ni/MicroStrategy1/914027d3-a8a4-4cd8-9dec-4ac22ee3db7b-support-engineer?internal=true
Job Duties (include but not limited to): · Provide complex and challenging support for MicroStrategy’s Business Intelligence product suite and its underlying technologies · Develop strong relationships with MicroStrategy customers and partners through daily interactions during customer project development and production system maintenance · Find creative and sophisticated solutions to problems reported while using MicroStrategy’s product suite through analytical talent and strong troubleshooting abilities · Work in a strong team environment to provide unparalleled support to customers in a wide variety of industries · Prioritize and communicate product defects and enhancements to development teams · Contribute to research and growth of the MicroStrategy Knowledge Base by creating customer-facing documentation of all technical solutions and product documentation addendums · Enhance personal and professional growth by participating in Internal Training Programs, which offer a five-week technical orientation program as well as weekly training seminars for all team members
Qualifications Job Qualifications: · Bachelor’s degree, preferably in a technical field (Engineering, Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, etc.) · Strong technical and analytical skills · Excellent communication skills · Java, Visual Basic, HTML, XML/XSL, ASP, SQL technologies are a plus · Database (SQL, RDBMS) knowledge is a plus · Customer service experience is a plus
(Senior) Software Engineer – Web, Java, C++, iOS https://jobs.smartrecruiters.com/ni/MicroStrategy1/c0c8f26b-94e1-47c0-8a2b-73e9a5b1676f–senior-software-engineer-web-java-c-ios?internal=true
招聘职位: Senior Software Engineer in Test – Mobile
职位描述: • Review requirements and define acceptance criteria that will be used for design and testing of new features. • Work with engineering teams in China and the United States to ensure cross-product quality. Take ownership of test plan, test design and test execution. • Design, implement and optimize test automation framework, tool and scripts. • Participate in the design and/or review new functionality design for different MicroStrategy products. • Research and identify flaws in our products before they are released to the public. • Participate in the analysis and resolution of issues. • Conduct technical research and experiment in specific testing area.
岗位要求: • Bachelor degree in Computer Science, Engineering or equivalent. • 1~5 years’ experience in IT SW testing, integration and verification work. • Knowledge of testing principles and methodology, understand SW development process and how to guarantee SW quality. • Knowledge and experience with test automation tools like SOAP UI/Jmeter and programming like Java/Python/Perl/Ruby is one plus. • Knowledge of data analytics, database management is one plus. • Proactive, self-motivated, target driven and innovative thinking are preferred. • Ability to pay close attention to details, and at the same time, to see the big picture. • Strong analytical skills, active to analyze complex problems and work out adequate solutions. • Good communication skills, strong verbal and written communication skills in English. • Team oriented individual.
@LuckyZhangWeiwei 欢迎来哦。
@sujimingf 感谢支持!欢迎加盟!