Tesseract-ocr application
发布于 4 天前 作者 Luciferhaha 186 次浏览 来自 分享


Tesseract has a built-in capability to display its internal state, so that you can view its segmentation and recognition.

Building and installing

The following components are required to run the viewer:

Java runtime piccolo2d-core-3.0.jar piccolo2d-extras-3.0.jar ScrollView.jar, built from the source in tesseract/java The piccolo libraries are available from: http://search.maven.org/#search|ga|1|g%3A"org.piccolo2d". Download piccolo2d-core-3.0.jar, and piccolo2d-extras-3.0.jar to tesseract/java to build ScrollView.jar.

All these jar files need to go in a single directory. Tesseract learns the location either through the environment variable SCROLLVIEW_PATH or a compiler define of the same name.

Alternative download link by Dmitri Silaev is available from http://www.4shared.com/zip/FnP8RSu0/tess_debug_3_02.html. Copy piccolo-1.2.jar, piccolox-1.2.jar and ScrollView.jar from the downloaded package to C:\Tesseract-OCR\java.

On Linux:

Copy piccolo2d-core-3.0.jar and piccolo2d-extras-3.0.jar to tesseract/java. cd java make ScrollView.jar Set the SCROLLVIEW_PATH environment variable to point to your java directory containing all 3 jar files. On Windows:

The build process for building ScrollView.jar is not defined. It is included in packages tesseract-2.04.exe.tar.gz, tesseract-ocr-3.02-win32-portable.zip and tesseract-ocr-setup-3.02.02.exe. Place piccolo-1.2.jar and piccolox-1.2.jar to the same location (Tesseract-OCR/java). Then set the SCROLLVIEW_PATH environment variable to point to the java directory.

2 回复


thanks ,your article is nice
