我们是一个平均年龄不满28的年轻团队 我们渴望用轻量级的方案去极大提高工厂的生产效率 我们相信强国的根本是制造业,而不是坑爹的房地产也不是什么普惠金融 我们希望把工业4.0,智慧工厂,智能制造这些美好却飘渺的词汇一点点落地变成现实 我们在生产环境大胆使用了graphql的技术栈,目前产品采用了react/react-native/relay/apollo/graphql/nodejs/docker/k8s等等工具和技术 未来我们还将向后插上AI的翅膀,向前披上BI的面纱,去年我们获得了真格和IDG的天使轮投资,今年完成了GGV纪元资本领投的A轮融资 如果你对改变制造业或是对我们所采用的技术栈充满了兴趣,同时你对自己的学习能力和技术实力也充满了自信,plz ping me ([email protected])
我们目前招聘以下职位: 后端Nodejs 工程师 / 20-40K Responsibility:
- Responsible for the design and optimization of API Layer(graphql)
- Responsible for the development and scaling of backend systems
- Writing reusable, testable, and efficient code
Skills And Qualifications
- 2+ years of experience in node.js
- Strong proficiency with JavaScript and Node.js
- Familiar with API design
- Understanding fundamental design principles behind a scalable application
- Experience with real time data processing
- Great code style and knowledge in computer science fundamentals, including network, algorithms, distributed systems and etc.
- Experience with ElasticSearch and/or Redis in production environment is a plus
- Proficient in Java and/or TypeScript is a strong plus
前端 react-native工程师 /20-40K Responsibilities
- Develop engaging cross-platform mobile app
- Maintain code quality, re-usability and modularity
- Understand and carry out PRD and UI specifications
- Independently construct functional modules
- Fix bugs and identify bottlenecks
- Efficient and great code style
Minimum Qualifications
- 1 year experience with react-native
- 3 years experience with android/ios dev (android strong plus)
- Fluent in JavaScript
Additional Qualifications
- Experience with GraphQL
- Comprehend and source new technologies related relay/graphql/react and relevant tools
- Web-based mobile apps
- Google PWA
- Experience with node.js
前端 react 工程师 /20-40K Responsibilities
- Develop highly interactive data driven webapp
- In charge of frontend architech and tech choice
- Maintain code quality, re-usability and modularity
- Understand and carry out PRD and UI specifications
- With app performance in mind and really care how to optimize that
- Have pixel-perfect eyes for every UI detail and push whole frontend team to reach that
- Independently construct functional modules
- Fix bugs and identify bottlenecks
- Efficient and great code style
Minimum Qualifications
- At least 1 year experience with react and react-related libaries like redux and react-router
- Fluent in JavaScript
- Proficient with babel , webpack config and knowledge about build time optimization
Additional Qualifications
- Experience with GraphQL
- Comprehend and source new technologies related relay/graphql/react and relevant tools
- Have deep knowledge about Vuejs or AngularJs framework
- Google PWA
- Experience with node.js
我们目前的工作地点在新华路24号,欢迎来玩, 简历请投递至 [email protected]