海淀区海淀西大街39号3层36氪 氪空间
9月13日 星期日 下午13:00 ~ 17:00
* 13:00 ~ 13:30 入场 * 13:30 ~ 14:25 A Web Developer’s Learning from App Development - Steve
近些年来,Hybrid App逐渐流行一种快速的应用开发路径。主讲人拥有多年Web开发经验,但他将在本次活动中为大家分享自己最近一年App开发中遇到的故事和经验。
* 14:40 ~ 15:35 Open Austack - Hain
一个MEAN架构下的开源项目介绍,包括背景、设计、开发过程,Austack是SaaS服务,Identity as a Service.
一分钟了解Austack:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTMyNTAxNDA5Ng==.html 简介:http://blog.austack.com/2015/08/16/austack-nodejs-ionic-2/ 项目地址:https://github.com/arrking/austack Live demo: http://console-stg.austack.com/ dave1/ dave1
* 15:50 ~ 16:45 Node.js Based IM - Mofei
Steve - Yi Yang, Engineer and Entrepreneur
Steve is currently starting up a company providing home intelligence experience to end users through state-of-the-art technology. Before starting his company, Steve has worked with Shantou University and Li Ka Shing Foundation with focus on establishing new e-Learning system in Shantou. As part of his role, he has also worked with various start-up companies from the US and the UK to co-develop the latest technology. Steve has received B.S. degree in Materials Chemistry from Peking University in 2012. During undergraduate years, he took a major role in numerous research projects, including one on mass-production of zirconia nanocrystals.
Hain - Hai Liang Wang, Software Developer, Startup
Profile: https://cn.linkedin.com/in/wanghailiang
Mofei - Wen Long Zhu, Senior Software Developer, Baidu
Home page: http://www.zhuwenlong.com/