1.我没遇到过数据写入丢失的情况,(或者说64位系统不存在这样的问题?谁的生产系统还在用32位??) 2.PostgreSQL 9.4 vs MongoDB, 各位怎么看?(这是一篇基于PG9.4和Mongo2.6的NoSQL性能比较: PGNoSQL vs Mongo2.6
抛开黑文不说,如果PG9.4确实在NoSQL上发展的不错的话,也是个好选择啊,毕竟NoSQL现阶段任然无法取代关系型 With the new JSONB data type for PostgreSQL, users no longer have to choose between relational and non-relational data stores: they can have both at the same time. JSONB supports fast lookups and simple expression search queries using Generalized Inverted Indexes (GIN). Multiple new support functions enable users to extract and manipulate JSON data, with a performance which matches or surpasses the most popular document databases. With JSONB, table data can be easily integrated with document data for a fully integrated database environment.
“JSONB brings PostgreSQL to the JavaScript development community by allowing JSON data to be stored and queried natively. Node.js and other server-side JavaScript frameworks can benefit from the safety and robustness of PostgreSQL, while still storing data in the schema-less format that they prefer,” said Matt Soldo, Product Manager, Heroku Postgres.