Gulp plugin to mock data (for test you know).
npm install --save-dev gulp-mock
All mock template must put in the source path. All mocked files would be in the api path. apiPath, sourcePath, dirName are required.
// in gulpfile.js
var gulp = require('gulp'),
connect = require('gulp-connect'),
mock = require('gulp-mock');
const sourcePath = 'source';
const apiPath = 'api';
sourcePath: sourcePath, // Mock template should put here. e.g: source/path/to/foo.json
apiPath: apiPath, // Mocked files would be this path. e.g: api/path/to/foo.json
dirName: __dirname
gulp.task('api', function () {
gulp.src(sourcePath + 'path/to/*.json')
.pipe(mock()) // Just add this line to what ever files you wanna mocked.
.pipe(gulp.dest(apiPath + 'path/to/'))
gulp.task('default', ['api', 'server', 'watch']);
Need live reload and jsonp support?
Gulp-mock use middleware to handle live reload and jsonp response.
gulp.task('watch', function () {
gulp.watch('source/**/*.json', ['api']);
gulp.task('server', function () {
port: 3000,
livereload: true,
middleware: function (connect, opt) {
// Just add this line in middleware. Then you'll get jsonp support and live load.
return [mock.middleware(connect, opt)];
Mock template
"data|2-10": {
"code": "String:7",
"percent": "String:7",
"tels|2-5": "Number:13|x.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"array|5-10": "String:7-12",
"time": "Date|YYYY-MM-DD",
"String:4|2-5": {
"name": "String:7|xxx.xxxx",
"time": "String:7",
"String:2-5": "Number:10"
"avatar": "Image|200x200",
"thumbnails|2-5": "Image|200x300-400x500"
Mocked data would like this:
Date filter use momment.js, see docs
data: [{ // "data|2-10" Should return a array, the array's length should within 2 to 10
code: "byother", // "String:7" Should return a string, the string's length should equal to 7.
percent: "upinstr",
tels: [
7.558816198259, // "Number:13|x.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" Should return a number and transformed like 'x.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'.
array: [
"oeverymajo", // "String:7-12" Should return a string, the string's length should within 7 to 12.
time: "2015-01-23",
onal: [ // Random key name, in case sometime we need that.
name: "the.grea", // "String:7|xxx.xxxx" Just work.
time: "reemine",
dt: 3782816532
name: "sus.anna",
time: "tilabou",
tth: 5975610705
name: "ces.andc",
time: "ndbroug",
lon: 2345818821
name: "rig.htsh",
time: "eoftheb",
clu: 6192378209
name: "few.reco",
time: "olarshi",
hts: 4497031601
avatar: "...", // "Image|200x200" Canvas Image, with 200px width and 200px height.
thumbnails: [
"...", // "Image|200x300-400x500" Canvas Image, with 200px to 300px width and 400px to 500px height.
}] // and more
You also can write a mock template like this:
"data": "..."
}, "2-5"]
It’ll return an array, and it’s length should within 2 to 5.
Also you can skip "2-5"
, it’ll return a array which length should within 1 to 20.
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