NCZ 大神(JavaScript高级程序设计作者)的文章:http://www.nczonline.net/blog/2013/10/07/node-js-and-the-new-web-front-end/
大概意思就是多一个 Node 层,做模版渲染之类的工作,这一层前端来写。
各位怎么看?单纯为了语言一致就选择 Node,感觉有点浪费 Node 的性能优势了。
楼主又多看了几遍 NCZ 大神的文章和评论。这两段话越看越有感觉。
Tell us how to get the data we need and how to tell the business logic what to do with the data, and we are able to craft beautiful, performant, accessible interfaces that customers will love. … We can get to a web application development panacea: where front-end and back-end only speak to each other in data, allowing rapid iteration of both without affecting the other so long as the RESTful interfaces remain intact. Jump on in, the water’s fine.