AdMaster精硕科技是中国领先的数据解决方案提供商,主要专注数据挖掘、分析和管理,通过尖端的技术为企业创造商业价值。 AdMaster is China’s leading data solution provider specialized in data collection, analysis and management. We use cutting-edge technology to create value for businesses.
业务主要覆盖:第三方数字广告审计和社会化媒体、电商及跨多屏整合领域的大数据分析、管理、应用及综合解决方案。终端涵盖个人电脑及移动设备(手机、平板电脑)。 Our core services include, but are not limited to, third party digital advertising verification, social media and e-commerce measurement, and data management – including data obtained from personal computers and mobile devices (smart phones and tablets).
服务超过300家国内外知名企业,如:宝洁、卡夫、雅诗兰黛、杜蕾斯、可口可乐、伊利、麦当劳、联合利华、微软、东风日产、平安银行等,涉及快速消费品、汽车、金融、科技和电信等多个领域。 We have served over 300 well-known local and international companies, such as P&G, Kraft, Estee Lauder, Durex, Coca-Cola, YiLi, McDonald’s, Unilever, Microsoft, Nissan, Ping An Bank as well as others in industries such as packaged goods, automobile, finance, technology and telecommunications.
AdMaster坚持以软件为服务的商业模式,为企业提供最有效率的数据管理平台。 AdMaster is committed to providing businesses with an efficient data management platform through its software-as-a-service business model.
1、熟悉 JavaScript,1年以上相关工作经验;
2、熟悉 Node.js,并可独立开发 Node.js module;
3、熟悉 CoffeeScript,能看懂 CoffeeScript 代码;
4、熟练使用 GitHub 进行代码托管;
5、熟悉或了解 Python, Ruby, PHP 其中一种或几种语言优先;
工作地点:地铁五号线 立水桥南
简历接收邮箱 或者你还有啥想了解的,也可以加我的QQ:1074879200