做个fancy的前端论坛,功能持续开发中,欢迎大家加入发言分享。。没有装中文输入法,用google input tools好不容易打了这些中文。。。
网址: http://yaha.me/
@jiyinyiyong 基本上只会用bootstrap的跪了…话说按照大前端算,Node应该也是前端的东西。认识一些前端比较好的,但是不知道算不算牛人 = = 啊咧咧这个等写到下学期的TODO List 里好了 =w= 如果到时候还没有这个东西的话。
@jiyinyiyong I think just keep on JavaScript, it will be the furture!! for me, I have study java,php,wordpress etc. And using php,wordpress for a pretty long time. From last year, I quit my job, leave my normal biz, then study backbone, Marionette etc, then one month ago, I finally see a post on net.tutsplus.com that the Addy(http://addyosmani.com/blog/) says that the AngularJs from google is pretty good and worth for trying. then I start to study and now, my app comes out, and I feel pretty like it. AngularJS is a good frontend stuff, a new way to write frontend.