发布于 2年前 作者 blanche 2308 次浏览


2 回复


之前試寫的聊天, 主要是io.sockets.emit('updatechat’, socket.username, message);

io.sockets.on ( 'connection’, function(socket) { // when the client emits 'sendchat’, this listens and executes socket.on ( 'sendchat’, function(message) { //socket.broadcast.emit //( // 'updatechat’, { Content: message } //);

            io.sockets.emit('updatechat', socket.username, message);
    // when the client emits 'adduser', this listens and executes
        'adduser', function(username)
            // we store the username in the socket session for this client
            socket.username = username;
            // add the client's username to the global list
            usernames[username] = username;
            // echo to client they've connected
            socket.emit('updatechat', 'SERVER', 'you have connected');
            // echo globally (all clients) that a person has connected
            socket.broadcast.emit('updatechat', 'SERVER', username + ' has connected');
            // update the list of users in chat, client-side
            io.sockets.emit('updateusers', usernames);
    // when the user disconnects.. perform this
        'disconnect', function()
            // remove the username from global usernames list
            delete usernames[socket.username];
            // update list of users in chat, client-side
            io.sockets.emit('updateusers', usernames);
            // echo globally that this client has left
            socket.broadcast.emit('updatechat', 'SERVER', socket.username + ' has disconnected');

