Connect介绍(Just Connect it Already)
Translated by lenzhang(zwj8727[@gmail](/user/gmail).com)
Reviewed by goddyzhao(goddy128[@gmail](/user/gmail).com)
Now that the core APIs of node are really starting to stabilize, I'm moving my attention to helping stabilize the framework scene. One of the things I found really neat from Ruby was the Rack server interface. It allowed any server that followed the spec to host any app that followed the spec. Also (and this is the important part for node) is allowed for generic middleware libraries to do common tasks and functions in a very aspect oriented manner.
现在node的核心api已逐渐稳定,我开始着手提高框架的稳定性。我发现Ruby的Rack server interface很整洁。允许任何遵循规范的服务器主机可以方便的部署任何符合规范的应用程序。同时(这也是node很重的一部分)也允许中间件库以面向切面的方式来完成通用的任务和功能。
My employer, Sencha, has sponsored TJ Holowaychuk and I to write a middleware system for node called Connect in an effort to foster common development in the node community.
UPDATE This article has been updated to use the new connect middleware API.
我的雇主, Sencha, 资助 TJ Holowaychuk和我给node写一个中间件系统,名为: Connect ,目的是以此来推动node社区更快的发展。
UPDATE 这篇文章已经更新为使用新版的connect
middleware api。
So What's New?
Actually there isn't a lot new here. But then again, there was nothing new about node either. Node uses non-blocking IO for fast scalable servers. That's been known about for years among the C community. It uses event based, single thread javascript for logic. That's exactly what the browser has. Add these together and we all see the huge splash it's made. It's the unique combination of some simple but complimentary ideas that really make these projects zing.
Connect tries to abstract and repackage node as little as possible. As a result, the API is fairly node specific, but there aren't a lot of leaky abstractions dripping all over the place. It's fairly solid considering the short time it's been in development so far. Connect adds one new unique aspect to node's HTTP server and that's the idea of layers.
Connect 尝试尽可能小的抽象并重新封装node。最终,其API和node一致,但是提高了抽象层的质量。到目前为止,就从这段短暂的开发期来看,Connect还是相当高质量的。Connect 为node的HTTP服务端添加了一个独特的切面。这也是Connect的精华所在。
The Integration Problem
In a normal node HTTP server you usually see code like this.
在node HTTP服务器中,代码通常如下所示:
var http = require('http');
// 开启一个HTTP服务器
http.createServer(function(request, response) {
// 对每个请求都响应“Hello Connect”文本
response.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"});
response.end("Hello Connect");
And all requests will be served:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/plain
Connection: close
Transfer-Encoding: Identity
Hello Connect
This works great for when you want fast synthetic benchmarks or always want to return the same response for every HTTP request. In most apps, however, this isn't the case. You want some form of request routing. Also you'll want nice enhancements like response body gzipping, smart caching, request logging, pretty error handlers, etc...
Implementing all these things over and over for each project is a royal pain since they are somewhat non-trivial and usually a project in and of themselves. So ideally the node community has a collection of modules that we can use in common to solve these common tasks. The only roblem is that there is no accepted spec to follow. All these libraries have their own style and way to integrate. This is great for innovation, terrible for someone trying to just get work done and quickly.
Layers to the Rescue
So taking the ideas from Rack and ejsgi, we introduce the idea of layers to the code handling the HTTP request and response. An app is structured like an onion. Every request enters the onion at the outside and traverses layer by layer till it hits something that handles it and generates a response. In Connect terms, these are called filters and providers. Once a layer provides a response, the path happens in reverse.

The Connect framework simply takes the initial request and response objects that come from node's http callback and pass them layer by layer to the configured middleware modules in an application.
The example from above, converted to a Connect app looks as follows:
var Connect = require('connect');
Connect.createServer(function (req, res, next) {
// 每个请求都响应"Hello Connect"文本.
res.simpleBody(200, "Hello Connect");
And request will output this:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Length: 13
Connection: close
Hello Connect
Walkthrough Writing Layers and an Application
Let's go through a simple app from the top down. It will serve JavaScript files from a folder, cache the result in ram, and log the request and responses. We'll implement our middleware layers from scratch to understand how they work. There are better versions of these built-in.
var Connect = require('connect');
module.exports = Connect.createServer(
An app is just a call
to Connect.createServer with several handlers in a row.
All Connect layers are simply node modules that export a setup function that returns a handle function. The setup function is called at server startup and you can pass in configuration
parameters to it. Then on each request, you have the option at this point to either: A) Serve a response using the res parameter. or B) Pass on control to the next layer in the chain using the next parameter.Since you have raw access to the node request and response objects and the full JavaScript language, the possibilities are endless.
所有的Connect层只是简单的node模块,声明了一个起始函数,这个函数返回一个处理程序。这个起始函数在server启动的时候被调用。你可以传递配置参数到函数里。然后在每次请求的时候,你都可以做如下操作:A)使用res返回一个请求结果。B):使用next参数跳到下一层。因为可以直接访问node request和response对象和整个javascript语言,所以将有无限的可能。
Serve Some Files
Most apps will want to serve some static resources, so let's write a middleware that serves javascript files based on the request url.
var fs = require('fs');
module.exports = function serveJsSetup() {
return function serveJsHandle(req, res, next) {
// 处理所有相对此进程的文件
// 要注意的是,这里为了代码简单,并没有考虑太多的安全问题
fs.readFile(req.url.substr(1), function (err, data) {
if (err) {
res.simpleBody(200, data, "application/javascript");
Here we are using the built-in node library 'fs' to read the requested file from the hard-drive. Then we're using the Connect provided helper simpleBody on the http response object. Nothing fancy or complicated here.
这里我们使用内置的node库‘fs’来读取所请求的文件。接着我们使用Connect提供的http response对象的simpleBody方法。这一点也不晦涩难懂。
Log It
Whenever there is a problem with a server, it's really great to have a log-file somewhere to trace what went wrong. This log module will output a line when a request comes in through the layer, and then another on the way back out.
module.exports = function logItSetup() {
// 初始化计时器
var counter = 0;
return function logItHandle(req, res, next) {
var writeHead = res.writeHead; // 存储初始函数
// 日执行时记录请求
console.log("Request " + counter + " " + req.method + " " + req.url);
// 封装writeHead函数,将其注入到层的出口路径中
res.writeHead = function (code, headers) {
res.writeHead = writeHead; // Put the original back
// 以日志形式记录响应
console.log("Response " + counter + " " + code + " "
+ JSON.stringify(headers));
res.writeHead(code, headers); // 调用初始函数
// 传递给下一层
The setup function is a great place to setup variables used by the middleware across requests. In this case we're initializing the counter for the logger.
In the handler we are using a wrapping idiom to hook into the call to writeHead. In JavaScript functions are values just like anything else. So a great way to wrap functions is to store a reference to the original implementation in a closure variable. Replace the function with a new one, and in the first line of the new function, put the old function definition back. Then on the last line of the replacement function call the original. This is a simple and efficient way to hook into existing object methods since they just look for properties by name and not references to actual function objects.
The standalone console.log call will be called at the beginning of each request cycle, and the nested console.log will be called on the way out by means of the nested writeHead function.
Built-in Middleware
Connect comes with several built-in middleware layers for easy use. A much more robust version of this example could be written using the built-in modules.
var Connect = require('connect');
module.exports = Connect.createServer(
Connect.logger(), //以终端通用日志格式记录响应
Connect.responseTime(), //添加一个包含时间信息的特殊头信息
Connect.conditionalGet(), // 为了节省带宽,添加HTTP 304响应头
Connect.cache(), // 为了提高性能,添加一个临时内存缓存
Connect.gzip(), // 有需要的时候,对输出流进行Gzip压缩
Connect.staticProvider(__dirname) // 处理当前目录下所有的静态文件
This has proper error-handling, proper HTTP headers, and all sorts of other bells and whistles that are required from a production web server.
Future and Goals of Connect
Connect is currently in alpha state. We're looking for community feedback and hope to stabilize into a beta in the next week or so.
Also what's really needed is for some real frameworks and apps to be written using Connect as a base. TJ is using it internally for a project at work and I plan to convert wheat (The engine to this blog) to use it.
The true goal of Connect is to help the node community work better together. Connect is the combined effort of some JavaScripters from the node community who want a base system to build world-class web frameworks from.
There has been a lot of discussion on the topic of middleware and now is the time to write some code, use it, and do it. The popularity of JavaScript itself is proof that what really succeeds is real-world implementations, not substance-less discussions on the very best way to do something. Like node, our goal is to make something simple, but correct, and let others build from there.
What you Should Do
Connect is cool, I gave two presentations on it in the past week at txjs and swdc and people loved it. TJ and I have done all we can for now and need some community feedback in order to move on. If you are interested in node and want to help shape the future of web frameworks please do the following:
- Install node
if you haven't already. (I suggest using ivy) 如果你还没有安装node,请安装 - Clone Connect. 获取一份Connect的代码
- Go through the examples in the code-base. (The app.js file is launched with the connect executable) 运行code-base里的例子
- Write your own code using Connect. (Or port your favorite node framework) 使用Connect编写你自己的代码,或者请提交你最喜欢的node框架代码
- Send feedback through github and the normal node community channels. (irc and mailing list) 通过github反馈或者其他社区途径(irc或者邮件列表)
- Tweet about it to spread the word. (This only works if everyone uses it)在tweet上发与之相关的推文来宣告全世界(只有全世界都用tweet才可以)
Deploying Connect Apps
See the deploying-node-with-spark article for tips on how to set up a production server using Connect and Spark.